Experience art & discover history… from home!
Featuring a variety of artistic challenges, deep-dives, unique gallery tours, program highlights, and youth engagement to connect with you no matter where you are.
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Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Guest Teacher Ms. Maggie
Let’s use dots to create art in the style of mixed media artists, Howardena Pindell, John Baldessari, and Yayoi Kusama.

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Tom Thomson
Let’s express ourselves by painting a landscape in the style of late Canadian painter Tom Thomson.

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Barbara Hepworth
Let’s express ourselves by creating a sculpture in the style of the late British sculptor Barbara Hepworth.

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Beatrix Potter
Let’s express ourselves by drawing woodland creatures in the style of Beatrix Potter. Get your watercolor paints ready!

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Amedeo Modigliani
Let’s express ourselves by drawing a portrait in the style of the late artist Amedeo Modigliani.

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Gustav Klimt
Create a Tree of Life painting just like Gustav Klimt

BRAHM in the News
Recently, our programs and outreach director, Willard Watson visited our friends at WJHL in Johnson City, Tennessee to talk about our Back Pack Summer Camps! Check out this video!

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Create a collage like Artist Antoni Gaudí
Let’s create a collage inspired but he works of artist Antoni Gaudí!

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Create a collage portrait in the style of artist Kehinde Wiley
Kehinde Wiley is a contemporary African-American painter, best known for his realistic images of African-Americans, many posed like historic images of kings or other people of privilege and power. Sometimes his portraits feature famous people such as President Obama, but other times he uses models of strangers he meets on city streets from around the globe.
Learn more about this amazing artist and follow along to create your own collage & painting portrait in the style of Kehinde Wiley.

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Create a “View from a Window” like Artist Marc Chagall
We have all spent much time this year staying at home. Maybe you have been looking out your window. What do you see there? Do you ever daydream of a different view? Let’s create a dreamlike view painting inspired by the work of Marc Chagall.

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Let’s Create an Abstract Paint Mosaic like Alma Woodsey Thomas
Learn to create an abstract paint collage in bright colors with large brush strokes like Alma Woodsey Thomas in this art lesson with Ms. Jennifer

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Aaron Douglas Inspired Silhouette
Aaron Douglas was an African-American painter who was influenced in the Harlem Renaissance 100 years ago. Sometimes called “the father of black American art,” his works often feature bold, graphic silhouettes of people, fractured color planes, and harmonious color schemes. For this art project idea, let’s create a silhouette of an important moment in your life, history, or a story you admire.

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Replicating Patterns in Nature like Frank Lloyd Wright
Artist & Architect Frank Lloyd Wright was inspired by nature. His creations blended in with the natural surroundings. Learn about this inspirational artist and recreate the shapes and patterns you see around you in nature. We hope you too will find beauty and inspiration in nature every day!

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Henri Rousseau Inspired Tiger Collage
In honor of Henri Rousseau’s birthday on May 21, 1844, let’s make a tropical jungle collage project!

Spanish Tile Printmaking with Markers
Let’s recreate a patterned tile effect using styrofoam and water soluble marker printmaking techniques at home!

Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus and Hieroglyphs
For this week’s Art with Ms. Jennifer, let's draw a gold and gem-encrusted Egyptian sarcophagus in the style of King Tut, then write our name in hieroglyphics! Don’t have gold paint? No problem! Stop by the museum for free gold paint (details found in this post).

Kids’ Art Gallery Showcase
Wow! So much lovely art being created by our young friends this week. Artists were inspired by Cezanne, O'Keeffe, Paul Klee, Ted Harrison and more. 😍🎨
We hope there is even more handmade creative magic happening in honor of all the amazing Mothers and mother figures. 🤱💝

Weekly Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: “Tulips in Vase” by Paul Cézanne
Follow along with Ms. Jennifer to create your own painting inspired by "Tulips in a Vase" by Paul Cézanne (French, 1839-1906)

Artist Inspiration: Paul Cézanne
For this week’s weekly artist inspiration, we are looking at French artist, Paul Cézanne. Cézanne can be said to have formed the bridge between late 19th century Impressionism and the early 20th century's Cubism.