The Blowing Rock Art & History Museum will present a talk and lunch with esteemed Atlanta architect Norman Askins. Askins established his architectural practice in Atlanta in 1977 and is now a leading designer of elegant and comfortable houses in traditional styles. An architectural historian and architect, Askins researched the restoration of the Executive Wing of the White House as a special project for Colonial Williamsburg and was director of restoration for John Milner Associates, a leading preservation firm. In 2013, he received the inaugural A. Hays Town Award from Southern Living magazine.
The event will include a lecture and presentation in the Country Club Ballroom, followed by lunch. Tickets are $75, $40 of which is tax deductible. Tickets must be purchased in advance directly through BRAHM. You may register online through this webpage or over the phone by calling 828-295-9099 ext. 3011. Books will be available for purchase at the event and Askins will be signing books before and after the lecture.
BRAHM is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)3/EIN# 30-0003315 of the Internal Revenue Code. $40 of the ticket price for this talk is tax-deductible as allowed by the IRS to 501(c)3 organizations.