A Conversation with Sarah Vaughn

In case you missed it watch our program with glass artist Sarah Vaughn which took place on November 17, 2022. Vaughn’s work is on display in our exhibition, Uncommon Volumes, now on display through February 25, 2023.

Image Credit: Left to right: Weatherworn Balance II, 2022, Blown, engraved, and flameworked glass. 8.5"x9"x5"; Weatherworn Balance III, 2022, Blown and flameworked glass. 16"x6"x3.5”; Weatherworn Balance IV, 2022, Blown and flameworked glass. 5.25"x3"x 2". All images courtesy of the artist.


Facejugs, Figurals, & Funnies: Stacy Lambert's Folk Art


A Conversation with John Littleton and Kate Vogel