Oral History Feature | Randy Henson

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It’s like, I never went to work a day. Every day was just joy. There were hard days but every day was rewarding. I would say if you have to go to work then you have the wrong job. I never thought about how much I was making, I just jumped in my car and would go do it.

When I was involved in the bus training I got to incidentally know all the school employees, I knew all the principals, all the teachers, all the lunch ladies, pretty much anybody who had to get a bus driver’s licenses and so that got me engrained with a lot of the local families because back then it was so many locals working the school system. I have a very friendly demeanor and got to be rather popular in that job - to where like a nervous teacher’s assistant I’d put them at ease in five minutes and then 30 minutes later I’d have them driving up George’s Gap in a school bus, and they couldn’t believe it, but I’m like it’s really easy just drive and if you want to go five miles an hour, just do that until you get used to it.


Photo by Ashley Warren @naturalcraftphotography


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