Museum Share: INDIgenesis
As the role of museums during the time of covid-19 rapidly and uniquely transforms into a virtual learning platform of sorts, the influx of enlightening content coming from museums from all corners of the globe has been quite a sight to behold! Programming that was intended to be experienced in person is now being streamed online for the world to see.
One institution with a particularly significant digital engagement opportunity is The Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They had scheduled a film festival, titled INDIgenesis, for last month, but when they had to cancel in-person viewings, they made all of the short films available to stream online for free. The INDIgenesis film series focuses on short films directed by indigenous filmmakers. From the website:
“New short films by Native directors were selected to play during public gallery hours in the Walker’s video-on-demand Mediatheque throughout the run of the INDIgenesis film series (March 19-31). Streaming here, the program features a first-person short about two-spirit pride, a doc exploring alignment between Shinnecock creation stories and the scientific story of the Big Bang, a narrative short about a school teacher on a reservation, and a timely futuristic fiction about a Navajo woman in the aftermath of a global virus.”
Explore the related links to view more INDIgenesis film titles