Oral History Feature: Carol Coulter & Dave Walker

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Image credit: Ashley Warren of Natural Craft Photography

Today's Oral History Feature comes from The Way Watauga Works

Carol Coulter & Dave Walker of Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture stress the importance of a strong local food system for a healthy body, community, and economy. ⁣

Carol Coulter: "You know there’s a saying I like to use a little bit, it’s 'teach a man to farm and his family will eat, teach a woman to farm and the community will eat.' And I think it’s just, not a knock on men, but just women have a different kind of view of food and why they’re getting into farming. ⁣

Men it’s to provide for your family and take care, and make money to send your kids to school and blah blah blah. And women I think it’s just more this broader connection to community and taking care of people. ⁣

I guess the other thing is, 'buy local' and trying to get people to really think about where they’re spending their money and the impact that has on the community. And whether it’s just gonna go out to some executive that’s making a bazillion dollars or we’re gonna keep farmers able to stay on their farms and continue to feed our community."⁣

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 DID YOU KNOW you can support local farmers by shopping online at HighCountryFoodHub.org⁣

Featuring over 500 locally-sourced items from 50+ high country producers, you can feed your family and keep your dollars local. Order online by 11:59pm every Monday for a Wednesday curbside pickup at the Watauga Cooperative Extension.  Check it out!



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