Terra Ludis: Play Ground | Meet Eiryn Reynolds


Eiryn Reynolds is a photographer and hiker, in 2018 she did something many people only dream of, Thru-hike the Appalachian Trail. She shared that dream with her partner and together they decided to embark on the months long journey. She had an interesting experience when talking to people about her adventure,

"Last year I through-hiked the Appalachian Trail [with my partner.] It was two-thousand one hundred and ninety point nine miles—a decently long hike [laughs]. Within that, the longest day I did was a twenty-six-mile day.
Some other through hikers, would be like “Oh, how’d he drag you out here?” And I wanted to be like “Okay, it was my decision, he just wanted to come! Let’s cut that out.” That was kind hard to wrap my head around, especially when we got back, one of the local clubs here asked us to come speak, but they just asked him, not knowing that I had done it with him, and then I showed up and they were like “Who are you?” And Tyler was like “She has such a big part of this, I couldn’t have done it without her,” and I really appreciate him stepping up and acknowledging that I did this with him. We weren’t forcing each other, it was a mutual thing.

BRAHM: So do you feel like there is some kind element of sexism in the hiking community?

ER: I think so, I don’t think it is meant in a negative way by any means, I think it’s more of fear for the female safety, and “Oh no, how are you going to do this by yourself? You’re just a young and innocent girl” kind of attitude, not a ‘you’re a girl, you can’t do this.’ One of the big things I noticed, and after speaking to female hikers that they noticed, it’s that when we said we were going to do it, it’s “Oh, you’re insane,” “You have to be safe, you have to carry a gun.” But when a male would say it, “Oh my gosh, this is amazing, that’s incredible.” So just even the words of affirmation for men and words of caution for women."

Photo provided by Eiryn Reynolds.

#appalachiantrail #thruhiker #highcountry #backpacking #optoutside


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