The Easter Platypus

Easter Platypus

Long, long ago and far, far, away a young platypus hatched from her egg. Despite being brightly colored, she was a happy, well adjusted platypus. She led a very normal life until she laid her first clutch of eggs which came out rainbow colored and beautiful and contained candy inside instead of baby platypuses.  Everybody wanted one of her colorful eggs. Being kind as she was, she shared them. 

Life seemed just great until the Easter Bunny came along. The Easter bunny found out about the colorful eggs and that is when life changed. 

The Easter platypus was your original “support local” enterprise. She kept her business small scale and kept it local. Her eggs were organic and since she was free range, so were her eggs.  She shared them year round within her community. She was happy.

The Easter bunny is a different sort.  He saw these colorful eggs and thought “I can make a fortune”. First, he found a holiday that was unadorned by commercialism - Easter.  It was a church celebration, but he was going to change that. Forget the religious backstory, he was going to make it his story. Everyone was going to want the Easter bunny and his colorful eggs.  

First he had to get his production off the ground. He found a large number of chickens willing to work for scratch. He housed them in cramped quarters, paid them next to nothing but expected them to produce. They were hungry so they were willing to work, even in these abysmal conditions. Next he found unemployed bunnies who were willing to also work for next to nothing to dye the eggs. His factory was off and running. It cost him next to nothing and with the help of his big PR and Marketing firm, he marketed the heck out of the product and suddenly, everyone wanted colored eggs. You know the rest of the story. Stuffed Easter bunnies are everywhere, colored eggs, chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs. This is Easter, the Bunny’s holiday.

Well, it is 2020. The bunny is quarantined. People aren’t buying his products. Sales are slumping. So it’s the year of the platypus! The quiet humble Easter platypus can now return. Because she is local, and deemed agricultural, she can continue to produce her colored eggs and distribute them within her community.  Her feet are naturally gloved with a rubbery coating and her bill serves as a mask. She can safely provide her beautiful colored eggs to all of her neighbors. 


Weekly Gallery Tour: Zak Weinberg


Artist Inspiration: George Rodgrigue